Wednesday, October 18, 2017

When all life matters but people deny that Black lives do

One thing that annoys me the most about the All Lives/Blue Lives matter response to the Black Lives Matter movement is the fact that it almost seems like they are trying to discredit Black people's struggle in life.

Yes, I agree. All lives matter, Police lives matter, Black lives matter, all life matters (including unborn life). But that doesn't negate what BLM is trying to do. They are trying to shed light on their situation and what happens every day in this country. And yes, it does happen every day in this country.

The root of this stems from slavery and the Civil Rights movement. Keep in mind that the Civil Rights movement was less than 60 years ago. So hold your tongue when you say that people are taking issue with something done 100/200 years ago. That isn't the case and I'm sick of hearing that. Into the 70s there were still some laws in place where a "black" man couldn't marry a white woman if he had more than 1% in his bloodline. This is still recent history and why you still have white people calling Black people the N word.

When a Black person says, "Black Lives Matter," and you counter with, "All lives matter," you are saying that their opinion doesn't matter, their life doesn't really matter, and you don't really care if they get killed or not. I know that's not the intention, but that's how it comes across.

Then your American nationalism gets in the way. "No one is Black, White, Asian, or African here. We're all Americans!"  Okay. That may be true, but there are people in this country who heavily relate to their ancestors. Y'all do it too. Don't pretend you don't. "I'm Scottish and proud! I'm Irish and Proud! German and Proud!"  If y'all followed up on your own logic you'd be told not to do that either. But you know, Black people are the only ones who can't do that.

Do you want to know what tells me a lot? When I try and make friends with a Black person and they are careful around me. I love when they decide not to be careful because then I get to hear different opinions, verbal dialects, and acceptance. Sometimes it leads to being flirted with, which I enjoy.

When my Black friends or Immigrant friends felt comfortable enough around me to flirt, tease, or just act was wonderful. I don't judge based on skin color. They are human and I love them for who they are. Their lives matter. Every time I hear of someone getting shot by the police, I feel sad. Sometimes I cry. Another life snuffed out by trigger-happy lunatics. (Not saying all police are like that, but there are enough.)

Please, try not to make your Black brothers and sisters feel worthless. They are wonderful people and don't deserve derision. 

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