Saturday, October 21, 2017

My first Pet

I was around seven or eight years old when we purchased our own pet. We vowed we would take care of it, change its cage, feed it, water it...Mom ended up doing all that. Except for the watering and feeding part, I enjoyed that. I had a horrid gag reflex as a child which would often impair me from being able to do things.

Anyway, what was our first pet? That is actually up for debate. We had an African Clawed Water Frog and a Guinea Pig around the same time. The frog was named Peach and the Guinea pig was named Bubby.

We couldn't touch Peach because of the oils on our skin, the oils could kill him. So, we fed him and watched him grow. He never got very big, but he was still a great pet. When he was a baby he was clear, so we got to see his lungs, heart, intestinal system. It was really cool, best home-schooling experience ever.

Then we got Bubby. I suppose, technically, Bubby was dads' pet. But my sister and I played with him more than dad or mom. He was the best Guinea pig we ever had and the only one. He would let us hold him for hours, petting him. We would also feed him carrots and over vegetables by hand. He never bit us. Although, he started to bite some of our friends who were too rough with him.

Bubby was one of my all-time favorite pets and it brings me no end of joy that my father wants to buy one again, this time for my three younger siblings. I believe this is an excellent plan and they can care for an animal that way. Caring for an animal is a great way to learn about responsibility. 

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