Saturday, October 14, 2017

What Christianity is and what it isn't

Christianity is not accepting everyone's sin and calling it "good". Christianity is not the following of a "good prophet". Christianity is not saying a prayer and walking an aisle. Christianity is not the belief in an American God or a White God. We are not worshipers of idols or icons. We follow Christ and His teachings.

Jesus died for sin. Yes, sin. That means, if you want to become a Christian, you need to repent of those sins. That requires an actual change, you can't remain in a practice of sin and be a Christian. That means sexual immorality, lying, stealing, and more. That being said, nobody is perfect. That's why we are in a continual state of repentance. In that way, we are like Quakers. We quake at the wrath of a Holy God. In other ways, we are not like Quakers because of some odd belief systems they had/have.

The pictures of Jesus are not realistic. Think about where He was. He was in Israel, the Middle East, Egypt. He probably wasn't white, he was Jewish in Israel. That certainly doesn't equal white, especially at that time. We don't worship an Anglo-Saxon Jesus as he is God. God is not of a nationality and we can't label him as "only for Americans". America is not God, even if Americans treat our country on the same level.

And let's get something else straight for those who may be illiterate in Bible teachings: Jesus was not a Prophet according to Christians. Muslims believe that and some "Christian" sects believe that as well. But true Christians believe that Jesus is God and that he died to save everyone. A Prophet cannot die to save all people from the beginning of time until the end of time. Prophets do not have that kind of power.

We do not pray to Icons. The Icons cannot hear us, they are worshiping God in Heaven. Only Jesus can hear us and make intercession to God on our behalf. No priest can do that. We can pray for each other, but Jesus hears our prayers and takes them to God. Jesus is our High Priest and King. Nobody else can take His place. So stop trying.

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