Friday, November 17, 2017

Youth Group

Today I am going to talk about Youth Group. First of all, is it biblical? It isn't forbidden or condoned in the bible, so...Do with that what you will.

Growing up I have had some pretty bad experiences with youth groups. Mostly bullying of some sort. Here are some examples:

Shoved to the ground
Picked on about my lisp, clothing choices, eating habits, father's job, etc.

Youth group can either harm you or nurture you. Unfortunately, every experience I have had except one had to do with being bullied or mistreated in some way. Because of this, I am against youth groups.

Youth groups, if not properly watched, can turn into high-school. People have cliques and caste systems. There are the losers and the popular. It is a disservice to the people of God, the church, and the representation of the church.

Then you are sometimes labeled as weird for acting more mature than them. It seriously is not my fault if you can't act your age. I was taught not to throw fits when I was two, but if I see you kicking and screaming at 13 years old because your mom said no...Yeah, I will look at you like you're a lunatic.

Here is some advice for youth leaders as well:

I suffered at the hands of a youth leader. She was manipulative and cruel. She pretended like she sympathized with you but the moment the bullying started right in front of her, she would look the other way. She would make fun of me and other kids who also didn't fit in. Do not do this.

If you see a teenager is having a rough time with other teenagers or prefers the company of adults...maybe you should suggest that they start going to the adult classes. Or talk with them beforehand so that way they aren't tormented right before worship. Oh, and maybe set aside the economic status of the bullies and simply tell their parents.

Instead be like this youth leader: She was wonderful. I was friends with her son. If I was being tormented I would go to her for safety. She would tell the parents and she would tell off the kids. She refused to put up with it.

Don't make it out like teenagers are supposed to be cruel to each other. Don't make it out like this is normal behavior. All it does is scar the kids who are the targets of those people.

Now I have trouble:
Eating in front of people
Trusting people
Believing what other people say
Believing I am good at things.

Please, if you see a youth kid being bullied or mistreated, stand up for them. They probably didn't do anything to deserve it.

Just a Pastor's Kid

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