Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Baby Alfie Updates and opinion

As I was on Facebook today, I noticed several posts I was tagged in regarding Baby Alfie. He is still alive, still breathing, and the court refuses to allow him to go to Italy for experimental treatment.

He is allowed to have water and oxygen again but is being starved by the hospital. They are "continuing the end of life plan".

I have a lot of opinions on this.

1. This is exactly what socialized healthcare looks like. People are no longer people but a burden on the government and resources. But the pride of the country doesn't allow them to have other countries intervene.

2. "Thou Shalt Not Murder"

3. "God Hates the Hands that Shed Innocent Blood."

4. What kind of pride does England have to not allow others to step in? What kind of sickness is this?

5. You want a Dystopian universe? Here it is, in England, right now.

England, you need to repent while you still can. Jesus is the judge of the living and the dead, what you do right now will be blood on your hands. The same day that the Queen has another grandson is the same day that you choose to take a baby off of the machine then starve him. If this were the Queen's grandson, you never would take him off the machine.

This baby has a chance at survival and you are purposefully killing him.

I pray this baby survives so he can be a living testament to the Glory of God like my baby sister was. If my baby sister was in your country you would have her dead.

England. Repent. 

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