Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Baby Alfie Updates and opinion

As I was on Facebook today, I noticed several posts I was tagged in regarding Baby Alfie. He is still alive, still breathing, and the court refuses to allow him to go to Italy for experimental treatment.

He is allowed to have water and oxygen again but is being starved by the hospital. They are "continuing the end of life plan".

I have a lot of opinions on this.

1. This is exactly what socialized healthcare looks like. People are no longer people but a burden on the government and resources. But the pride of the country doesn't allow them to have other countries intervene.

2. "Thou Shalt Not Murder"

3. "God Hates the Hands that Shed Innocent Blood."

4. What kind of pride does England have to not allow others to step in? What kind of sickness is this?

5. You want a Dystopian universe? Here it is, in England, right now.

England, you need to repent while you still can. Jesus is the judge of the living and the dead, what you do right now will be blood on your hands. The same day that the Queen has another grandson is the same day that you choose to take a baby off of the machine then starve him. If this were the Queen's grandson, you never would take him off the machine.

This baby has a chance at survival and you are purposefully killing him.

I pray this baby survives so he can be a living testament to the Glory of God like my baby sister was. If my baby sister was in your country you would have her dead.

England. Repent. 

Monday, April 23, 2018

Baby Alfie

I was recently informed of a tragedy that is about to happen. A baby in England named Alfie is sick, but not dying, and has been scheduled for death. This is supposed to happen tonight by 9:00PM.

Please pray for this baby and make it as public as possible. We want the media to pick up on this because right now they are distracted by the new Royal baby. Which is fine, the new baby is exciting, but we also need to take care of this baby that is having a terrible injustice done.

You can also help by signing this petition here.

If you know of a way to alert your local and national media sources, I would encourage that as well. I am not knowledgeable in this area, otherwise, I'd do it myself. I have posted it on the social media platforms I am on, but this needs bigger coverage.

England needs to be told to stop playing god. They have decided who lives and who dies for far too long, it's time to end this. 

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Petitions and the Deaf

I am an Interpreting student. Recently, a petition was brought to my attention that had to do with a tutor I had last semester. What is the issue?

Well, he was forced to go to the School of Individualized Study to do the Interpreting program known as ASLIE. It is based on the fact that it isn't made for Deaf people. This is wrong. We have CDIs (Certified Deaf Interpreters) and Ronnie did the work.

But that's not what the petition is for. This petition is to support Ronnie because NTID (National Technical Institute for the Deaf) has refused to allow him to walk the stage with his hearing peers during graduation this year. That is a shame and is wrong.

If you can, please sign this petition so Ronnie can graduate with the team he worked with to get this far. He is the first Deaf person to complete this program or be in this program.

This is 2018. It's time for a change.
